Title 1 Information
Each year we provide you with information pertaining to services and activities provided as a result of Title I funding while your child attends Bridgeway. Services for academic services are determined based on your child’s building level assessments as well as classroom assessment data while activities are open to all families within our Bridgeway Community.
Title I information and documentation was presented to the community on August 23. See this information below.
After viewing the information, please take a few minutes to complete this Google Form Survey. This documentation is important for us to verify your receipt of the information and is required by Title I guidelines.
If you have any questions regarding Title I or would like to learn more about it, you may email Mrs. Curtis, our Title I Coordinator, at ccurtis@psdr3.org at any time throughout the school year.
Mrs. Curtis
Instructional Specialist
Title I Coordinator
314-213-8012 Ext. 2539